To access support schools will need to:
The following state funded schools are eligible to access free CPD, an English Hub audit and resource funding for validated SSP programmes in 2023/24:
- Infant schools
- Primary schools
- Junior schools
- Special schools
- Pupil Referral Units with primary school aged children.
To access Literacy Specialist support, a school must be a state funded school and must have a KS1 cohort which completes the PSC (primarily infant or primary schools).
Literacy Specialist support for schools will be prioritised for schools which meet two of the following criteria:
- Primary schools with a lower-than-average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the Phonics Screening Check
- Primary schools with lower-than-average PSC scores for disadvantaged pupils. Schools with the lowest phonics scores for disadvantaged pupils
- Primary schools where the bottom 20% of children are not on course to reach the expected standard (indicated through regular phonics assessment in school)
- Primary schools with a higher-than-average proportion of children eligible for pupil premium
- Primary schools that sit in an education investment area (PEIAs/EIAs)
- Primary schools with a high proportion of groups considered hard to reach such as EAL, FSM, travellers.
- Schools referred by local partners (e.g., NLEs, RSCs, LAs)
- Primary schools where standards in phonics are identified as areas for development through Ofsted inspection findings
- Primary schools where there is a risk of declining standards in phonics.