What we offer
How to access support
- The hub will then review self assessments and determine the level of support we can offer you.
- We will conduct a full days early reading audit and determine your next steps and support package offer.
An in depth audit of your current phonics provision by a member of our English Hub Team
- A ‘deep dive’ into your early reading and SSP provision,(including a decodable book audit) which will allow us to collaboratively amend your action plan.
- Post audit, schools may access funding for training or resources through the hub based on audit findings.
Accredited SSP training
- Funding allocated towards booking SSP training for key staff members.
- Funding available for all schools
To see the SSP programmes currently validated by the DfE please click here >
Medium Touch Support
- Yorkshire Endeavour host events including regional conferences and workshops, focusing on the 3 aims of the English hub, incorporating specific elements of the ‘Challenge Checklist’.
- Our hub can also provide bespoke action planning or leadership coaching days subsequent to our audit visits.
- Schools will receive £250 to cover supply costs.
Phonics resources including decodable books
- Funding allocated towards phonics resources including decodable books for a validated programme. Resources must be approved by a member of the English Hub Team. To see the SSP programmes currently validated by the DfE please click here >
- Funding available for all schools
3-12 days of Literacy Specialist Support
- Following your commitment to the ‘Partnership Agreement’ and training to one specific SSP programme, partner schools will receive between 3-12 days of support over 1 or 2 years, with the aim to improve outcomes.
Who can access support?
The following state funded schools are eligible to access free CPD, an English Hub audit and resource funding for validated SSP programmes:
- Infant schools
- Primary schools
- Junior schools
- Special schools
- Pupil Referral Units with primary school aged children.
To access Literacy Specialist support, a school must be a state funded school and must have a KS1 cohort which completes the PSC.
Literacy Specialist support for schools will be prioritised for schools which meet two of the following criteria; however, all schools are eligible for funding and/or support based on need identified during an initial audit:
- Primary schools with lower than average PSC scores for disadvantaged pupils. Schools with the lowest phonics scores for disadvantaged pupils.
- Primary schools where the bottom 20% of children are not on course to reach the expected standard (indicated through regular phonics assessment in school).
- Primary schools with a lower than average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the Phonics Screening Check (79% met the expected standard in 2023).
- Primary schools with a higher than average proportion of children eligible for pupil premium (2023/24 the pupil premium national average is 28.5%).
- Primary schools that sit in an education investment area (PEIAs/EIAs).
- Previous partner schools who last received intensive support two or more years ago, have experienced significant systemic change since leaving the programme and who have failed to realise and/or maintain improvement in SSP scores.
- Primary schools with a high proportion of groups considered hard to reach such as EAL, FSM, travellers.
- Schools referred by local partners (e.g. NLEs, RSCs, LAs).
- Primary schools where standards in phonics are identified as areas for development through Ofsted inspection findings.
- Primary schools where there is a risk of declining standards in phonics.